+44 (0)20 7000 8435     lreichlin@london.edu     London Business School, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4SA  
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Book Chapters


Non-Standard Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: Developing an Appropriate Macro-Financial Policy Mix
in Preparing for the Next Financial Crisis: Policies, Tools and Models, eds. E.Jokivuolle and R.S. Tunaru, Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Reichlin, L., Pill, H
Date Published: Forthcoming
Discussion of Inflation during and after the Zero Lower Bound by B. Arouba and F. Schorfheide
Jackson Hole Symposium, 2016.
Reichlin, L.
Date Published: September 2016
Now-Casting and the Real-Time Data-Flow
Handbook of Econometrics of Forecasting, volume 2 edited by G. Elliott and A. Timmermann, 2013.
Reichlin, L., Giannone, D., Banbura, M., Modugno, M.
Date Published: 2013
Abstract:The term now-casting is a contraction for now and forecasting and has been used for a long-time in meteorology and recently also in economics In this paper we survey recent developments on economic now-casting with special focus on those models that formalize key features of how market participants and policy makers read macroeconomic data releases in real time, which involves: monitoring many data, forming expectations about them and revising the assessment on the state of the economy whenever realizations diverge sizeably from those expectations.

This abstract was borrowed from another version of this item.)
in Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry, editors, Oxford Handbook on Economic Forecasting, 2011.
Reichlin, L., Giannone, D., Banbura, M.
Date Published: 2011
Macroprudential Policy and Monetary Policy: Some Lessons from the Euro Area
13th Annual Internat. Banking Conference: Macroprudential Regulatory Policies, Federal Reserve of Chicago and Internt. 2010.
Reichlin, L., Giannone, D., Lenza, M., Pill, H.
Date Published: 23/09/2010
Discussion, Monetary Policy Lessons from the Crisis, by A. Orphanides
The Great Financial Crisis: Lessons for Financial Stability and Monetary Policy, conference in honor of L. Papademos, Proceedings ECB 2010.
Reichlin, L.
Date Published: 2010
Discussion, Global Forces and Monetary Policy Effectiveness
in NBER Conference Volume, International Dimensions of Monetary Policy (J. Galí and M. Gertler eds.), University of Chicago Press,2010.
Reichlin, L., J. Boivin, M. P. Giannoni
Date Published: 2010
Discussion, Globalization, The business Cycle and Macroeconomic Monitoring
NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2010, Chicago Press, 2010.
Reichlin, L., Arouba, Diebold, , Kose, Terrones in Clarida, R. and F. Giavazz
Date Published: 2010
Incorporating Conjunctural Analysis in Structural Models
in The Science and Practice of Monetary Policy Today, Wieland, Volker (Ed.) , November 2009, Springer.
Reichlin, L., Giannone, D., Monti, F.
Date Published: 01/11/2009
Euro Area Business Cycles
NBER Volume, Europe and the Euro (A. Alesina and F. Giavazzi eds.), National Bureau of Economic Research, University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Reichlin, L., Giannone, D., Lenza, M.
Date Published: 2009
Discussion, The ECB and the Bond Market by F. Giavazzi and C. Favero
in The Euro at Ten (Buti, Deroose, Gaspar eds.), Cambridge Univerity Press, 2009.
Reichlin, L., Giannone, D., Lenza, M.
Date Published: 2009
Fiscal Divergence and Business Cycle Synchronization: Irresponsibility is Idiosyncratic (discussion) in Frankel and Pissarides (eds)
NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2005, MIT Press, May 2007.
Reichlin, L.
Date Published: 01/05/2007
Introduction to the Conference Volume of the 4th ECB Central Bank Conference
on the role of money: money and monetary policy in the twenty-first century, 2007.
Reichlin, L.
Date Published: 2007
Money and Monetary Policy: The ECB Experience 1999-2006
in Conference Volume of the 4th ECB Central Bank Confer. on The role of money: money and monetary policy in the twenty-first century, 2007.
Reichlin, L., Fischer, B., Lenza, M., Pill, H.
Date Published: 2007
Abstract:The paper analyses the practical experience of monetary analysis at the ECB since its beginning. The analysis is based on both a narrative description of the internal briefing and a quantitative evaluation of the forecast exercise. We exploit a rich data basis containing the vintages of data and models over the period in order to evaluate the role of money in the input and the output of monetary policy as it has been in real time.
Euro Area and US Recessions: 1970-2003
The Euro Area Business Cycle: Stylised Facts and Measurement Issues, CEPR, London, 2004.
Reichlin, L., Giannone, D.
Date Published: 2004
Factor Models in Large Cross Sections of Time Series, in Dewatripont
Advances in economics and econometrics: theory and applications Vol. 111,8th world congress of the econometric society, Cambridge Univ, 2003
Reichlin, L., M.Hansen, Turnowsky, S., P.L.
Date Published: 2003
Dynamic Common Factors in Large Cross-Sections
Empirical Economics, special issue entitled Studies in Long-Run Economics Growth, Volume 21, Issue 1, 1996.
Reichlin, L., Forni, M.
Date Published: 1996
The Marshall Plan Reconsidered
in B. Eichengreen ed., Europe’s Postwar Growth Revisited, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Reichlin, L.
Date Published: 1996

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